Underbelly: Squizzy - 'Squizzy Tempts Fate'
Australian iTunes Chart Performance

"Squizzy Tempts Fate": Chart Statistics

  • Release date: 18 Aug 2013
  • Chart debut: #13 (19 Aug 2013)
  • Highest Position: #11 (20 Aug 2013)
  • Most recent chart position: #70 (25 Aug 2013)
  • Days on Australian TV Chart: 6

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Detailed Chart Progress for "Squizzy Tempts Fate" (Underbelly: Squizzy)

Australian TV chart performance history for Squizzy Tempts Fate

Year Month Day Position Movement Number 1
2013 Aug 19 Mon 13 new Breaking Bad
Blood Money
20 Tue 11 up True Blood
21 Wed 20 down
22 Thu 59 down Breaking Bad
25 Sun 70 re-entry

Episode Synopsis: Squizzy Tempts Fate

the death of his daughter sends squizzy into a downward spiral whats the point of trying to live a decent life when fate deals you such a blow to hell with it all he says and starts another war with...

...narrows gang not caring whether he survives it or noton the home front lorna struggles to keep the faade of the good wife true she knows what her husband does if not the detail turning a blind eye is growing harder with every day with squizzys crimes attracting a great deal of police attention it is lorna who must bear the brunt of it loyal 2ic tankbuster knows that squizzy is running on empty and heading for a wall but what can he do except try to protect him from himself just when things are spinning out of control squizzy meets a new flame ingenue ida pender could she be the voice of reason to help avert disaster unfortunately ida proves to be less the voice of reason and more a fan for the flames inspiring squizzy to abscond while on bail for a burglary matter he is now a man on the run for an insignificant crime the madness of this festers betweentank and ida who jockey like teenage brother and sister for squizzys attention only one can win the balance tips in idas favour when squizzy decides to use her in a robbery that doesnt go to plan is this the end for tank and his best mate needing time to regroup squizzy finds himself drawn back to the arms of safe dependable lorna maybe she is the stabiliser he needs maybe they can make a fresh start maybe they can have another child but after a night with lorna squizzy realises he was wrong being with his wife stifles him it is only ida who allows him to breathe however idas inexperience in criminal matters lands both herself and tankbuster in gaol which inevitably threatens her lover squizzys freedom

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