Underbelly: Squizzy - 'Squizzy Breaks Some Hearts'
Australian iTunes Chart Performance

"Squizzy Breaks Some Hearts": Chart Statistics

  • Release date: 11 Aug 2013
  • Chart debut: #6 (12 Aug 2013)
  • Highest Position: #6 (12 Aug 2013)
  • Most recent chart position: #94 (20 Aug 2013)
  • Days on Australian TV Chart: 10

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Detailed Chart Progress for "Squizzy Breaks Some Hearts" (Underbelly: Squizzy)

Australian TV chart performance history for Squizzy Breaks Some Hearts

Year Month Day Position Movement Number 1
2013 Aug 12 Mon 6 new Keeping Up With the Kardashians
13 Tue 15 down True Blood
Life Matters
14 Wed 21 down Breaking Bad
Blood Money
15 Thu 34 down Offspring
Episode 13
16 Fri 46 down
17 Sat 69 down Breaking Bad
Blood Money
18 Sun 64 up
19 Mon 90 down
20 Tue 94 down True Blood

Episode Synopsis: Squizzy Breaks Some Hearts

in stokes absence squizzy runs his gambling empire showing no mercy to those who cheat or cant pay their debts squizzy is happy to spend stokes dosh on thefineries of life but finds the day-to-day running of the empire boring...

...gives birth to baby june and the event has the potential to change squizzys life he feels a love for his daughter like nothing he has felt before he spends even more of henry stokes money buying a grand home in caulfield for his new family and lorna encourages him to find legitimate work meanwhile honest detective james bruce is giving the gambling empire a hard time in reprisal tankbuster bombs bruces home which brings even more heat on the crooks weary of playing mine host squizzy turns to robbing warehouses of their fine cloth for a time hes a man with a foot in both camps law abiding and law breaking attending temperance meetings and running a sly grog empire henry stokes returns from tasmania unexpectedly furious at how squizzy has run his businesses into the ground squizzy throws a lavish party for him to heal the rift but shortly afterwards stokes is arrested for possession of stolen property fur coats gifted from squizzy however the little general brazenly intimidates a judge and stokes get off the charge chastened squizzy takes to the racetrack wondering if an honest career isnt the best policy after all yet old habits die hard; the moment he sees a punter with a fat wallet he falls back to his old trade and nicks it problem is he is caught redhanded by hard-headed detective brophy brophy locks him away in thewatchhouse to cool off but while hes locked away baby june takes ill with the flu and quickly succumbs squizzy is devastated by the loss of his beautiful little girl in his fury and grief he torches a police car

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