Underbelly: Razor - 'The Sentimental Bloke'
Australian iTunes Chart Performance

"The Sentimental Bloke": Chart Statistics

  • Release date: 16 Oct 2011
  • Chart debut: #3 (17 Oct 2011)
  • Highest Position: #3 (17 Oct 2011)
  • Most recent chart position: #99 (06 Nov 2011)
  • Days on Australian TV Chart: 20

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The Sentimental Bloke: Chart Progress Graph

Chart progress graph for The Sentimental Bloke

Detailed Chart Progress for "The Sentimental Bloke" (Underbelly: Razor)

Australian TV chart performance history for The Sentimental Bloke

Year Month Day Position Movement Number 1
2011 Oct 17 Mon 3 new Terra Nova
What Remains
18 Tue 4 down The Big Bang Theory
The Pulled Groin Extrapolation
19 Wed 6 down
20 Thu 7 down
21 Fri 11 down True Blood
Burning Down the House
22 Sat 20 down
23 Sun 14 up
24 Mon 16 down Terra Nova
The Runaway
25 Tue 23 down The Big Bang Theory
The Russian Rocket Reaction
26 Wed 33 down
27 Thu 56 down
28 Fri 57 down True Blood
Soul of Fire
29 Sat 60 down
30 Sun 65 down
31 Mon 56 up
2011 Nov 1 Tue 72 down The Big Bang Theory
The Rhinitis Revelation
2 Wed 89 down
3 Thu 78 up Glee
Pot o' Gold
6 Sun 99 re-entry True Blood
And When I Die

Episode Synopsis: The Sentimental Bloke

charged with barney dalton’s murder frank green enters long bay gaol to find rival guido calletti serving time as well and the traditional fisticuffs over nellie cameron ensue back in razorhurst wally tomlinson recovers from his bullet wounds and is...

...from hospital still determined to testify against frank green no matter how hard kate leigh tries to persuade him otherwise while she understands his loyalty to his slain mate barney she believes he’s putting his own head in a noose by naming tilly devine’s gunman tilly meanwhile does all she can to protect frank’s neck by buying off the eyewitnesses to the shooting and big jim devine does his bit by urging up-and-coming hood “snowy” prendergast and his young mates to intimidate kate and wally but the lads’ campaign of terror against the sly grog queen comes to a sudden and bloody halt when they break into her house late one night and she resolutely shoots snowy dead wally stays staunch and has his day in court steadfastly naming frank green as the murderer but the jury is swayed by the deaf dumb and blind eyewitnesses and a jubilant frank is acquitted despite the result kate throws a celebratory party for wally - but discovers he has packed his things and left disillusioned with her and with the razorhurst life she is duly found innocent of the snowy prendergast shooting on the grounds of self-defence but the result gives her no joy; she’s lost far too many men has far too much blood on her hands to give thanks then at her lowest ebb kate receives an unexpected tonic when eileen and new granddaughter charlotte return to the riley street fold

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