Episode Synopsis: Following the trail of a counterfeiter, the "Feds" show up in Santa Barbara with their own version of Lassiter and their very own "Shawn, " spawning a rivalry and causing our cast to ban together for the first time to save the integrity of the department and prove who has the better psychic.
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Non-Mover. 47 days on the chart
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Non-Mover. 40 days on the chart
buy from iTunes $3.49
Non-Mover. 33 days on the chart
buy from iTunes $3.49
Non-Mover. 5 days on the chart
buy from iTunes $3.49
Non-Mover. 12 days on the chart
buy from iTunes $3.49
Non-Mover. 19 days on the chart
buy from iTunes $3.49
Non-Mover. 26 days on the chart
buy from iTunes $3.49
Non-Mover. 17 days on the chart
buy from iTunes $3.49
Non-Mover. 180 days on the chart
buy from iTunes $3.49
Non-Mover. 13 days on the chart
buy from iTunes $3.49