Episode Synopsis: Bob Baer and Dr. John Cencich send Lenny DePaul and Gerrard Williams to Spain, where they investigate a remote monastery that could have been a hiding place for Nazis and uncover an eyewitness that places Hitler living within those very walls.
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Non-Mover. 34 days on the chart
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Non-Mover. 6 days on the chart
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Non-Mover. 4 days on the chart
buy from iTunes $3.49
Non-Mover. 13 days on the chart
buy from iTunes $3.49
Non-Mover. 20 days on the chart
buy from iTunes $3.49
Non-Mover. 27 days on the chart
buy from iTunes $3.49
Non-Mover. 13 days on the chart
buy from iTunes $2.99
Non-Mover. 44 days on the chart
buy from iTunes $3.49
Non-Mover. 44 days on the chart
buy from iTunes $3.49
Non-Mover. 26 days on the chart
buy from iTunes $3.49