'Of Wolf and Man' has charted in the following countries:
United Kingdom, Canada and Australia.
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Australian TV chart performance history for Of Wolf and Man
Year | Month | Day | Position | Movement | Number 1 |
2023 | Nov | 4 Sat | 46 | no-move |
Outlander Where the Waters Meet |
4 Sat | 46 | no-move |
While predators continue to cause problems for a number of the men, water soon becomes a crucial hurdle for others. From fast rising tides to relentless rains, each of the men must adapt to his new environment or tap out and go home. It's the fear of dehydration that plagues one man as another finds his survival threatened along the shoreline by a rogue wave.
New #1! Up 6 places from #7
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Down 1 place. 54 days on the chart
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Up 7 places from #10
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Up 7 places from #11
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Down 1 place. 87 days on the chart
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Down 4 places. 31 days on the chart
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Up 5 places from #12
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Down 2 places. 66 days on the chart
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Down 6 places from #3
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Down 5 places from #5
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